20 January 2015
Autosport International Round Up
It will come as no surprise that the run up to the Autosport International show is one of the busiest times of the year for CMA. Europe’s largest motorsport show, held at the NEC in Birmingham every January, is a must-attend for many CMA clients and a great platform to launch the New Year business-wise.
In total, CMA supported 13 companies at the 2015 show. As a general rule, we liaise with clients early to ensure they can make the most of the various PR opportunities available, and especially with the large jobs it is good to get started well ahead of time. We also tend to put together a series of invite e-mails to help our clients let their prospective customers know they are at the show and where they can be found.
To give a flavour of what support we provided, we’ll do a quick round up:
Advanced Fuel Systems – We produced a new corporate brochure for this fuel cell manufacturer
AeroCatch – We helped launch a new (CMA designed) range of packaging alongside a new product: AeroCatch Xtreme, with substantial pre- and at show PR support.
BRSCC – the British Racing and Sports Car Club always display a number of cars from the 25 championships they run. CMA produced display posters and hand-out materials for all 10 cars featured at the show.
BTB Exhausts – CMA produced show-specific invite e-mails for prospective customers to meet this specialist exhaust manufacturers at the show.
Claytex – This systems modelling and simulation company exhibited at the show for the first time and CMA assist them with producing pull-up displays and a brand new corporate brochure.
Lifeline Fire & Safety Systems – a brand new fire suppression system was launched at the show with CMA providing above-the-line advertising and PR support in addition to creating the backdrop for the stand.
Motorsport Industry Association – who were hosting the international business lounge at the show - CMA were called upon to produce the MIA’s graphic panels and display posts.
Old Hall Performance – this distributor of racing consumables relied on CMA to send out a series of invite e-mails to current and prospective customers.
Polyhedrus Electronics- this emerging specialist sensors company asked us to produce collateral literature for use at the show.
Sandwell – In need of a portable exhibition stand solution, CMA produced the ideal bespoke solution for this surface treatment specialist.
Speciality Fasteners – CMA produced a new portable display stand to showcase their various fastening products.
Titan – deploying an extensive pre-show promotional programme, CMA assist Titan with PR releases, pre-show features and specific invite e-mails to showcase their brand new RTM facility.
Xtrac – A project several months in the making, CMA designed and produced a brand new stand with extensive graphics and display plinths for the world-leading gearbox manufacturer.
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