Digital Marketing
Marketing in the on-line space is a vital element in today's marketing mix. We are ideally placed to help you maximise the benefits and can offer the following services:
Website Design & Build:
As we work together with various experts, we can cater for websites of any size, complexity and budget. We can offer websites for as little as £75 per month as part of our Digital Marketing Starter Package, or cater for bespoke-build fully CRM integrated websites, with advanced Content Management Systems (CMS) and E-Commerce platforms.
A few examples of our sites:
www.alconccx.com | www.brscc.co.uk | www.cpowert.com |
www.curtissolicitors.co.uk | www.ferguswalkinshaw.com | www.fhsracing.co.uk |
www.lifeline-fire.co.uk | www.qtwildcat.co.uk | www.xtrac.com |
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) & On-line advertising:
All our websites are build with "searchability" in mind. There is no point having a great-looking and working website if no-one can find it! We can offer bespoke SEO campaigns ensuring that your website climbs the ranks with the various search engines out there and achieve those all-important 1st page rankings. If you do not wish to change your current site, but are interested in an SEO campaign, we can offer a full SEO audit and strategy service.
Advertising on sites like Google and Facebook can yield impressive results. We can provide fully managed on-line advertising campaigns focussed specifically on achieving the results you are after. Unsure on the benefits? Consider trying our Digital Marketing Starter Package, which features both and includes in-depth reporting on the success rates.
E-mail Marketing:
Whether you are after a one-off e-mail campaign, or wish to send out regular promotions and/or newsletters, we can help. Not only can you benefit from our advanced CMAil platform, we can also assist with template design, content creation and e-mail building if desired. Our CMAil platform is available from as little as £50 a month, and our Digital Marketing Starter Package also includes an e-mail marketing element so you can test the waters before committing fully.
Have a look at some of our e-mail designs:
Alcon CCX | Lifeline Fire & Safety | Restaurant 23 |
Titan | Tata Technologies | Xtrac |
Social Media Training & Services:
Social Media has been one of the key game-changers in marketing in the recent years. Whether you are consumer or business-facing, Social Media has an important role to play in your marketing efforts. We can not only help you come up with a relevant and effective Social Media strategy, but we are also here to help you execute it. If you prefer to keep it all in-house, we can professionally train your staff to enable them to get maximum results, or you can even get us to look after your Social Media for you. Contact us at socialmedia@cma-marketing.net today to find out more.
Additional Digital Marketing Products & Services:
CMAil |