09 June 2015
What We Can Learn From Kim Kardashian. No, Really.
If an alien were to land on earth with no prior knowledge of our species, it would probably soon believe that our beloved Kim Kardashian (Kim K for ease of use) is one of the most talented people on the planet. You know, something like an actor, musician, politician or industrial mogul. After all, she is so famous even the spellchecker knows who she is. And yet she is none of those. So how is it that someone with no obvious talents – or indeed a product – amasses a net worth of $28 Million and planet-wide fame? Still think we can’t learn a few marketing tricks from her?
6 Marketing P’s We Can Learn from Kim Kardashian!
1. Product
One thing that Kim K is showing us is that your product doesn’t have to be revolutionary or different from others. As the Kardashians have more than proved it’s all about how you portray your product. Make use of cultural trends and communicate it in a way that’s unusual or makes you stand out from the crowd. After all, we all know that Kim K’s posterior is larger than the average; however we also know that with some strategic lighting, oil and plenty of photoshopping it can seem the size of the moon!
2. Popularity
A brand’s popularity is purely dependent on the consumer. We have all heard of the statement “the customer is king” and this should be never be ignored. Fame is mainly built on word of mouth. Another connotation of fame is business, therefore treat your customers right and the message will spread like wildfire.
3. Pellucidity
I’m not sure if you had noticed but Kim K isn’t shy when it comes to showing us the ins and outs of her life. By doing so, Kim K creates a closeness to her audience which in turn compels them to continue watching and supporting her. Be more transparent and honest with your clients and they will trust you and support your efforts.
4. Patience
Not everybody appreciates Kim K’s life choices, how she looks or the things she does. With social media these days, a great many people are very quick to voice their negativity. Has this changed Kim? Does Kim react negatively to these attacks? The answer is no. Kim K sticks to her brand and image. It is pointless giving up at the first hurdle, so stick to your guns and continue with your set business plan. Haters will always hate, right?
5. Partners
In Kanye West, Kim K has excelled and married a very successful man and likewise in business she picks her partners extremely well too. She knows the value of her brand and she also knows that other people’s brands can be of value to hers. Team up with other businesses that can help sell your product, make your product more exciting or who can facilitate your ideas and plans.
6. Be Picky
Kim K is very selective in what she exposes and what she doesn’t. She knows exactly what to post on her social media and what not to. This is an important lesson in the value of content. There is a reason they say content matters. Remember that and be very picky about what you include in your press releases and social media and just as importantly what you don’t include.
So however judgemental you want to be over Kim K, she’s doing something right….

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